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Our links page is now updated to January 2014, so there shouldn’t be many dead links here. If you spot one, please let me know! This list does not include individual radio stations’ sites, simply because they change too fast for me to keep up here.

Think your site belongs here? Drop me a line…

Broadcasting Regulators

Federal Communications Commission The homepage for the USA’s broadcast regulators
FCC Daily Digest Where the FCC tells us what it’s up to each day, updated by 1:30 pm weekdays
CRTC What’s New – Where Canada’s regulators let us know what they’re doing

Radio and TV Industry News

NorthEast Radio Watch – Wait, don’t leave! NERW keeps you updated every week here at fybush.com
NERW Archives – But if you have to leave, go read up on what you missed back in the early days..
Radio Insight – Our sister site, featuring constantly-updated news about format changes, domain registrations and much more from all over the radio landscape
AllAccess – Another daily update on what’s happening in radio, geared towards music programmers
Romenesko – Jim Romenesko’s indispensible collection of the day’s top media stories
RW Online – Daily industry news updates from the publishers of Radio World
Milkman UnLimited – News of Canadian radio, heavy on press releases
Broadcaster – Canada’s broadcasting magazine

Local and Regional Radio/TV Sites

The Boston Radio Archives – Sister site to fybush.com, this is the premiere source for station listings and histories for the six New England states and adjoining areas in Canada. Don’t miss Garrett’s tower photos!
Ohio Media Watch – Another one of our content partners in the RadioInsight family, covering the news of northeast Ohio
CNY Radio – Peter Naughton’s daily scoop from Syracuse, Utica and Ithaca
DCRTV – One of the oldest and finest regional sites, covering DC, Maryland, and Virginia
PBRTV – Covering Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania
Fagstein – Steve Faguy’s indispensable blog covering media in and around Montreal
West Virginia Broadcasting – Covering the Mountain State
VARTV – Robert Corbin’s outstanding coverage of radio and TV in Virginia
Michiguide – Radio news, dials and histories from Michigan
Northpine.com/Upper Midwest Broadcasting – All the news from Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Dakotas, Iowa and beyond
Indiana Radio Watch – Blaine Thompson peruses the Hoosier state’s radio scene
Northwest Broadcasters – Outside the region by about 3000 miles, but if you’re heading to Washington State or BC, you need to bring this page with you!

Station Directories

w9wi.com – Doug Smith’s page, complete with an incredibly comprehensive TV station listing and links to many more useful lists (Mexican radio, anyone?)
FCCInfo.com – Cavell and Mertz’s outstanding search engine for FCC data
FCC AM Search – The FCC’s AM search page
FCC FM Search – Same deal, but for FM
FCC TV Search – More of the same, but for TV and with fewer search options
Radio-locator.com – The maps are “for entertainment use only,” and the Canadian/Mexican listings should be disregarded, but for what it is, it’s awfully useful
RECNet.com – Which is why you should use Michi Eyre Bradley’s site, instead, for Canadian data (and LPFM information)

Message Boards

RadioInsight Community – Our content partner here at Fybush.com, and the place to go to talk about radio and TV around the country
The Virtual Engineer – See above, but for engineering topics
New York Radio Message Board – Affiliated with Allan Sniffen’s 77WABC tribute site

Radio and TV History Sites

Boston Radio Archives – Hey, it’s my site — I can list it twice if I want!
American Broadcast History – David Gleason’s magnificent collection of scanned Broadcasting Yearbooks and other vintage station directories and magazines.
The Broadcasting Archive – Barry Mishkind’s “oldradio” project lives here, with articles on individual stations and markets in the early years of radio
US Early Radio History – Thomas White brings scholarly high standards to the topic, including the best articles anywhere on early call letter assignments
Bill Dulmage’s Radio/TV Archives – If it transmitted anywhere near Lake Ontario in the last forty years, Bill has pictures and sounds. Try again in a day or so if it doesn’t work — he’s having ISP problems lately
Broadcasting in Chicago, 1921-1989 – Rich Samuels knows the Windy City’s radio and TV history better than anyone living, and he shares it here. Strong focus on NBC/WMAQ, Samuels’ home base for decades
Jeff Miller’s Broadcasting History Pages – Documents, documents, and more great documents on the early days
WABC Tribute Page – Top 40 radio as we know it wouldn’t have existed without Musicradio 77, and Allan Sniffen has left no aspect of its history untouched here
Radioville – In which Jeff Roteman pays tribute to KQV, WLS, WTAE, 13Q, and the other great stations he enjoyed growing up in Pittsburgh
The DuMont Television Network – Clarke Ingram’s black-and-white look at the little TV network that couldn’t
San Francisco Radio History – From Doc Herrold to the present, John Schneider’s got it all right here
Man From Mars – Ed Brouder chronicles New Hampshire’s WFEA, Hartford’s WDRC and more
GGN Information Services – Norm Gagnon’s fascinating collection of documents and photos chronicling the early dayts of TV and FM in the Northeast

Radio Towers and Transmitters

NECRAT – Mike Fitzpatrick’s site looks at the towers and sites of the Northeast and beyond
I Take Pictures of Radio Towers – 3000+ tower fans all on one Facebook page
Jim Hawkins’ Radio Room – Like the tower on the main page of fybush.com? That’s WLW in Cincinnati, and you can learn much more about it, other Blaw-Knox towers, and the transmitter sites of metro New York here
Michigan Broadcast Towers – Tom Bosscher’s seen most of the AM, FM and TV sites in Michigan, and he shares them here
mb21 UK Transmitters – Imagine Site of the Week driving on the left side of the road and you get the idea…

Clubs and Organizations

Worldwide TV-FM DX Association – Interested in DXing TV and FM? This is the group for you!
National Radio Club – Since 1933, the nation’s oldest club for medium-wave DXers
International Radio Club of AmericaSince 1964, the DX club that caters to western DXers (and some of us back east, too!)
ABDXA more informal group of DXers from all across the spectrum

Suggest a link – more to come!